What's your purpose now?


*illustration by Lim Heng Swee

“The purpose of life …..is a life of purpose” said the America chess player and author Robert Byrne, however, this is very much easier said than done and the important aspect of discovering ‘your purpose’ still remains allusive. 

The puzzle of purpose has been attempted by thinkers approaching from perspectives of both science and religion and although many satisfactory answers have been reached, for many individuals, their purpose remains unresolved. 

Much thought has been put into the wider issue of ‘human purpose’ from Dawkins’ “archeo-purpose” explanation which describes ‘apparent’ purpose created by adaptation through natural selection to the myriad of religious solutions. Although you can find solace regarding these explanations (the religious solutions often provide a particular moral framework and general goal) there are still times when the individual must, unguided, react to external changes and potentially re-direct or create new purpose. 

The idea of reacting to external changes is an important concept that should be noted in times of uncertainty, just like the one we are currently experiencing. However, it should be noted that when changes outside of our control threaten a familiar and established situation, a re-invention of the wheel (purpose) is not necessary. The core motivating factors, whether that be families, security or whatever drives you does not change and therefore, that aspect of your purpose remains comfortingly constant. What will cause an individual to ‘re-direct’ their purpose is the immediate values and aspects of life threatened by the changing situation, whether that be delivery methods, or the way people interact. With such a dramatic shift in our way of life, the previously hidden vulnerabilities in our systems are revealed and intensified, which, depending on how one reacts, is not necessarily a bad thing. 

Einstein said, “the measure of intelligence is the ability to change”. When something outside of our control forces us to change the willingness to do so becomes a positive and powerful advantage over those who are unwilling. 

The etymology of the word adapt reveals the key to success in situations of uncertainty. It is formed of ‘ad’= to + ‘aptus’= fit. 

Adapt literally means to ‘Fit’ the situation. This does not necessarily mean that a massive change is needed involving a complete re-evaluation, rather a manipulation of current skills to best fit and prosper from the new situation.

The slinky was initially designed for stabilizing devices on ships before the inventor Richard James sold it as a toy. It was knocked off a shelf, causing it to perform its signature movement and James is quoted as saying “Strictly speaking, I didn't invent the Slinky. He practically walked into my life”. In this case the adjustment was a mental one, rather than a physical one, requiring James to take on a new perspective about the role of his ‘device’. There are countless other examples like this, supporting the idea that one may already have just what you need, without realising it. 

The film Toy Story further makes this point. Going beyond the meme, the film’s storyline utilise Buzz Lightyear as an ‘obstacle character’ who causes Woody to confront his personal ‘change avoidance’ issues i.e. Woody fearing the threat posed by Buzz as Andy’s favourite toy. The subsequent change removes the animosity between them and allows them to work together. This further makes the point that increased adversity can act as the necessary trigger to encourage one to re-think your attitude and approach in order to ‘level up’. 

While your core purpose will remain steadfast through adversity, it is necessary, and positive, to be encouraged to modify aspects of it to fit the situation. Willingness to do so will allow you to best capitalise on Churchill’s “Never let a good crisis go to waste” quote, as with every change new opportunities are revealed and whilst a crisis, is difficult, it is also a potential turning point for your business.

Overall, although uncertain of the future it should be noted the dots can only be connected looking backwards and there is still opportunity to be seized through modification. This may not produce results in the same capacity as previously imagined but it could just be the positive shift required to create a new area of development and growth.